Bring your family and friends to an elegant holiday buffet featuring all of your traditional favorites at The Dayton Woman's Club!
—RESERVATIONS ARE MANDATORY — Make your reservations early — seating is limited and we expect to have a full house RSVP via email to or call 937-524-5103 and leave a message
Cost per person: Adults: $24.95 Children (10 and under): $14.95 Carry-out: $15.00
— MENU — Roasted Turkey • Roasted Ham • Roasted Chicken Southern Style Green Beans • Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Gravy • Cornbread Stuffing Sweet Corn • Sweet Potato Soufflé • Baked Macaroni & Cheese • Dinner Rolls with Butter Assorted Beverages & Desserts Cash Bar
This event is open to everyone! We encourage you to invite and bring your non-member friends!